
Welcome to the Chatham Civic Association home page.

This site gives our residents and neighbors updates on the latest happenings in and around Chatham.  Please explore the site using the links at the top of the page. Thanks for stopping by! 

Dues are due! If you haven’t paid them — please see the CCADues Invoice 2023-24 document.

Annual dues for 2023-2024 fiscal year remain at $40.00 per household. Dues are mandatory and enforceable as the Association is providing valuable services to each homeowner such as:

  • Snow removal on streets (greater than 3”);
  • Entrance island beautification;Community fun events (e.g., Easter eggs hunt, Grill);
  • Access to discounted waste removal with Evergreen Waste Services;
  • Deed restriction enforcement.

We rely on every homeowner to do their part by paying their dues in a timely manner, to preserve the beauty and charm of Chatham.

Check out News and events for more information…..

Did You Know….

Chatham has Deed Restrictions

We would like to remind everyone to please check the deed restrictions found under the documents tab, and to submit an application for your project, if one is required.  If you have any questions or are unsure if your project requires an application please email Jim McMackin Zoning Committee chair,  [email protected] or our association mailbox [email protected]

Chatham has a Facebook Group called The Neighborhood of Chatham.  Please click on the link below and we will add you to the group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/448921632121462/?ref=bookmarks

Chatham now has its own community forum on Nextdoor.com many of our households have joined — check it out!

The Chatham Civic Association tries to ensure that all Chatham residents are updated with information about our neighborhood as quickly as is feasible and pertinent for us to release it.  Our primary communication means are email and this website.   If you know a neighbor that does not have email or access to the internet, please let us know.

Do you have news to report? Are you a resident with a suggestion or improvement? Would you like to support the Civic Association?  Email us at [email protected] and let us know!